barbie botox in norfolk

Trend Alert: What Is Barbie Botox?

The latest trend in cosmetic treatments is Barbie Botox.  Sure, Barbie is known for being beautiful with a flawless, wrinkle-free face, but this treatment isn’t what you may think.  Keep reading to learn more about Barbie Botox in Norfolk and how it can slim your neckline and improve your appearance.

What Is Barbie Botox in Norfolk?

While Botox in Norfolk is commonly thought of as an anti-aging facial treatment, injectors have found that strategic injections in your trapezius muscles can not only relieve shoulder tension and pain but can give you a slimmer neckline, mimicking everyone’s favorite doll, Barbie.

By temporarily paralyzing the muscles, they will atrophy and shrink over time.  You’ll be left with smaller shoulders and an elongated neckline for an elegant appearance. If exercise or tension being held in these muscles from daily stress is causing you to feel bulkier than you’d like, Barbie Botox in Norfolk may be the answer.

What to Know Before Getting TrapTox

Like other Botox injections, you can expect the results of your injections to last 3-6 months, depending on your metabolism.  Treatment is quick and relatively pain-free.  You’ll start to notice a difference in about two weeks following treatment.

Unlike Botox for your face which is injected into tiny muscles, Barbie Botox is treating a much larger area, requiring a larger number of units and higher price point.  

Is Barbie Botox Painful?

No, in fact it’s quite the opposite for most people.  If you tend to carry a lot of stress and tension in your neck and shoulders, you’ll likely experience pain relief following injections in your trapezius muscles.  

Best Injector for Barbie Botox in Norfolk

Whether you are looking for traditional Botox in your forehead or crow’s feet or looking to try something new like TrapTox, the injectors at GlamourTox are here to help.  Our experienced nurse injectors offer convenient mobile service to meet the needs of anyone struggling to schedule some “me time”.  Visit our website to schedule your free consultation today!

4 thoughts on “Trend Alert: What Is Barbie Botox?”

  1. Pingback: Botox in Richmond - A Promising Treatment Option for Tech Neck - GlamourTox

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